Novas entradas:
GROYS, Boris, Going Public, Berlin, Sternberg Press, 2010
Ver, em particular, os seguintes textos:
Politics of Installation – 50
Comrades of Time – 84
Religion in the Age of Digital Reproduction – 135
Do livro AAVV, The Internet Does Not Exist, Berlin, Sternberg Press, 2015
LATOUR, Bruno, “Some Experiments in Art and Politics”, pp. 40-53
<, Bruno_Some Experiments_in_Art_and_Politics.pdf>
LOVINK, Geert, “What is the Social in Social Media, pp. 163-183
METAHAVEN, “Captives of the cloud Part III, pp. 245-278
CRARY, Jonathan, 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep, New York/London, Verso, 2013.